The 15 Best Personal Finance Podcasts for Women: Empower Your Financial Journey with Expert


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15 Best Personal Finance Podcasts for Women

In today’s fast-paced world, podcasts are an increasingly popular way to stay informed and educated on a variety of topics. For women looking to improve their financial knowledge and take control of their money, personal finance podcasts can provide valuable insights and advice. In this article, we’ll explore the 15 best personal finance podcasts for women, covering topics such as money management, investing, debt elimination, and retirement planning. These podcasts offer expert guidance to help you achieve financial empowerment and reach your financial goals.

1. So Money

Hosted by Farnoosh Torabi, So Money offers insightful conversations with financial experts, authors, and entrepreneurs, along with practical advice on money management, investing, and more. For additional resources, check out our Ultimate Personal Finance Guide.

2. The Fairer Cents

Created by Tanja Hester and Kara Perez, The Fairer Cents tackles the unique financial challenges faced by women and explores ways to create a more equitable financial landscape. Learn effective strategies to eliminate debt with our guide on Mastering the Debt Snowball Method.

3. HerMoney

Hosted by Jean Chatzky, HerMoney offers expert advice on personal finance topics such as saving, investing, and retirement planning, tailored specifically for women. For more guidance, explore our list of Top Finance Books to empower your financial journey.

4. The Clever Girls Know Podcast

Bola Sokunbi’s The Clever Girls Know Podcast focuses on personal finance and career advice for women, covering topics like budgeting, debt management, and investing. To enhance your financial skills, read our Comprehensive Guide to Credit Cards.

5. The Smart Money Mamas Show

Host Chelsea Brennan shares practical tips and interviews with financial experts to help moms navigate the world of personal finance and achieve financial independence. For an in-depth credit card review, check out our Milestone Credit Card Review.

6. Women on the Rise

Created by Lara Dalch, Women on the Rise explores the intersection of personal finance, career, and wellness, with an emphasis on helping women achieve financial success. Discover strategies for success in our blog on Financial Goals.

7. Money Girl

Hosted by Laura Adams, Money Girl offers quick and actionable tips on personal finance topics such as saving, investing, and debt management. Boost your savings with our Top 10 Creative Ways to Save Money.

8. The Simple Minded Millennial Podcast

Focused on helping millennials achieve financial success, hosts Erik and Steph share personal finance and career advice through interviews and discussions. Learn about passive income in our article on Unlocking the Secrets of Passive Income.

9. The Financial Grownup Podcast

Hosted by Bobbi Rebell, The Financial Grownup Podcast features interviews with financial experts, authors, and influencers, sharing personal stories and valuable money lessons. Set your financial goals for the year with our guide on Financial Goals to Set for 2023.

10. Money Nerds

Whitney Hansen’s Money Nerds podcast covers a wide range of personal finance topics, from investing and saving to entrepreneurship and frugal living. Strengthen your relationship’s finances with our list of Best Budgeting Apps for Couples.

11. Journey to Launch

Hosted by Jamila Souffrant, Journey to Launch follows her journey to financial independence and shares actionable tips on saving, investing, and eliminating debt. Understand the importance of planning with The Top 10 Reasons Why Retirement Income Planning is Essential.

12. The Financial Confessions

Hosted by Chelsea Fagan of The Financial Diet, The Financial Confessions features candid conversations with experts about personal finance, careers, and life. Learn more about insurance underwriters in our article Demystifying Insurance Underwriters.

13. Frugal Friends Podcast

Created by Jen Smith and Jill Sirianni, Frugal Friends Podcast shares practical tips for frugal living, budgeting, and achieving financial independence. Empower your finances with our list of Best Personal Finance Blogs for Women.

14. Money Splained

Hosted by Allison Baggerly, Money Splained provides easy-to-understand explanations of personal finance topics, such as investing, saving, and debt management, tailored specifically for women.

15. Afford Anything

Hosted by Paula Pant, Afford Anything explores the concept of financial independence and offers actionable tips on investing, real estate, and entrepreneurship.

These 15 personal finance podcasts for women can help you expand your financial knowledge, develop effective money management strategies, and achieve financial empowerment. By listening to these podcasts regularly and applying the lessons learned, you can take control of your financial future and create lasting success.

Got questions? We’ve got answers! Check out our FAQs section for more information.

How do I choose the best personal finance podcast for me?

To find the best personal finance podcast for your needs, consider the topics that interest you most and your current financial goals. Sample a few episodes from different podcasts and take note of the ones that resonate with you or provide valuable insights. Keep in mind that you can always subscribe to multiple podcasts to cover a wider range of topics and perspectives.

How often should I listen to personal finance podcasts?

The frequency with which you listen to personal finance podcasts depends on your schedule and how quickly you’d like to improve your financial knowledge. Many podcasts release weekly episodes, so listening to one or more episodes per week can help you stay informed and engaged with your financial journey.

Are personal finance podcasts a substitute for professional financial advice?

While personal finance podcasts can provide valuable insights and tips, they should not be considered a substitute for professional financial advice. Podcasts offer general information, but a financial advisor can provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique financial situation and goals.

How can I apply the lessons learned from personal finance podcasts to my own financial situation?

To apply the lessons learned from personal finance podcasts, start by assessing your current financial situation and identifying areas where you need improvement. Create a plan of action, incorporating the tips and strategies from the podcasts, and revisit this plan regularly to track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

Are these personal finance podcasts suitable for beginners in personal finance?

Many of the personal finance podcasts listed in this article cater to listeners with varying levels of financial knowledge, including beginners. By starting with episodes that cover basic financial concepts, you can gradually build your financial literacy and move on to more advanced topics as you progress.

How much do personal finance podcasts cost to listen to?

Most personal finance podcasts are available for free on popular podcast platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher. Some podcast creators may offer additional content or services through paid subscriptions or Patreon memberships, but the core podcast episodes are typically available at no cost.

Can I listen to personal finance podcasts on my smartphone or tablet?

Yes, you can listen to personal finance podcasts on your smartphone or tablet using podcast apps such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, or other podcast platforms. Simply search for the podcast you’re interested in and hit the “subscribe” or “follow” button to receive new episodes as they become available.

How do I know if a personal finance podcast is credible and trustworthy?

To determine if a personal finance podcast is credible and trustworthy, consider the host’s background and experience, the quality of the guests they interview, and the resources they cite. Podcasts that are transparent about their sources of information and provide well-researched content are more likely to be reliable. Additionally, look for reviews and recommendations from others who have found value in the podcast.

Are there personal finance podcasts specifically targeted at men?

While the podcasts listed in this article focus on personal finance for women, there are numerous personal finance podcasts that cater to both men and women or are targeted specifically at men. Many of the topics discussed in these podcasts are universally applicable, so feel free to explore a wide range of podcasts to find the ones that best suit your needs and preferences.

Can personal finance podcasts help me stay motivated and accountable in achieving my financial goals?

Listening to personal finance podcasts can be a powerful tool in maintaining motivation and accountability as you work towards your financial goals. Regularly consuming content that reinforces good financial habits and provides practical advice can help you stay focused on your objectives and maintain the discipline needed to achieve them. Additionally, many podcast communities offer support and encouragement through social media groups or online forums, allowing listeners to connect with others who share similar financial goals.